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Narrow Upper Jaw

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Narrow Upper Jaw

Narrow Upper Jaw Treatment

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Narrow Upper Jaw Treatment

Early Intervention and Confidence in Narrow Upper Jaw Treatments: DentMax Dental Clinic

Every year, millions of people face the issue of narrow upper jaw (maxillary constriction). According to research conducted in Turkey, 20% of children experience narrow upper jaw problems, which can lead to significant issues with dental alignment and jaw closure. At DentMax Dental Clinic, our team of specialists offers the most effective and reliable solutions for narrow upper jaw treatments.

What is Narrow Upper Jaw and How is it Treated?

Narrow upper jaw is a condition where the upper jaw is too narrow, preventing the teeth from aligning properly. This condition can arise due to genetic factors, environmental influences, or habits such as thumb-sucking during childhood. Treatment for narrow upper jaw varies depending on the severity of the issue and the patient's age.

Symptoms of Narrow Upper Jaw

  • Aesthetic Problems: Narrow upper jaw can cause teeth to appear crooked and lead to facial profile distortions.
  • Chewing and Bite Problems: Misalignment of the teeth can cause difficulties in chewing.
  • Breathing Problems: Narrow upper jaw can lead to breathing difficulties, especially during sleep.
  • Speech Impediments: Narrow upper jaw can cause difficulties in pronouncing certain sounds.

Narrow Upper Jaw Treatment Methods

Early intervention is crucial in the treatment of narrow upper jaw. Treatment methods vary based on the patient's age and the severity of the condition.

Treatment in Childhood (Ages 6-12)

When narrow upper jaw is detected in early childhood, effective results can be achieved through orthodontic treatment methods. The treatment methods applied in this age range include:

  • Slow Expansion: Appliances that guide and correct jaw development are used. These appliances control the growth of the child's jaw, ensuring that the lower jaw develops in the correct position. Typically provides dental expansion.
  • RME (Rapid Maxillary Expansion): Appliances used for expanding the upper jaw. RME provides rapid expansion and can be safely used in individuals up to 16 years old. It is 100% effective.

Treatment in Adolescence (Ages 12-16)

In adolescence, since jaw development is mostly complete, orthodontic treatments can be more comprehensive. The treatment methods applied in this age range include:

  • RME (Rapid Maxillary Expansion): A method for rapidly expanding the upper jaw. It provides natural and highly effective expansion.

Treatment in Adults (Ages 16 and Above)

In adults, treatment for narrow upper jaw usually requires a combination of surgical and orthodontic treatments. The treatment methods applied in this age range include:

  • MARPE (Mini-Implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion): Mini-implant assisted rapid palatal expansion method provides effective results in adults aged 16-40. This method ensures more stable and permanent expansion. Not every case is suitable. The outcome cannot be predicted without trying the expansion process. Success rate is high.
  • SARME (Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion): In adults, maxillary expansion is performed with surgical support. This method involves surgical relief cuts at the resistance centers of the jawbone. Classic RME appliance is then used to continue expansion. Results are 100% achieved and permanent.

Table: Comparison of RME, MARPE, and SARME

Treatment Method Application Age Method Advantages Disadvantages
RME (Rapid Maxillary Expansion) Ages 6-16 Rapid expansion of the upper jaw Rapid expansion, 100% effective Ineffective after age 16
MARPE (Mini-Implant Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) Ages 16-40 Mini-implant assisted expansion More stable and permanent expansion Not suitable for every case, variable success rate
SARME (Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion) Ages 16 and above Surgically assisted expansion 100% effective and permanent Requires surgical intervention

Alignment of Teeth Stage

After resolving the narrow upper jaw problem through expansion methods, the alignment of teeth stage begins. The following methods are used in this stage:

  • Braces: Metal or ceramic braces are used to properly align the teeth.
  • Clear Aligners: A modern orthodontic technique preferred by individuals who do not want braces, clear aligners help align the teeth properly.

How Does the Treatment Process Work?

  1. Diagnosis and Planning: First, the severity and cause of the narrow upper jaw are determined using panoramic X-rays and digital intraoral scans.
  2. Creating a Treatment Plan: A treatment plan is created based on the patient's age and the severity of the narrow upper jaw.
  3. Orthodontic and/or Surgical Treatment: The determined treatment methods are applied. The duration of treatment varies according to the individual needs of the patient.
  4. Regular Check-Ups: Regular check-ups are conducted throughout the treatment process to make necessary adjustments.

Table 1: Narrow Upper Jaw Treatment Methods and Their Purposes

Treatment Method Purpose
Functional Appliances Guide and correct jaw development
Slow Expansion Gradual and controlled expansion of the upper jaw
RME Rapid expansion of the upper jaw
MARPE Mini-implant assisted rapid palatal expansion
SARME Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion
Braces Properly align the teeth
Clear Aligners Properly align the teeth

Table 2: Symptoms of Narrow Upper Jaw and Potential Issues if Left Untreated

Symptoms Potential Issues if Left Untreated
Aesthetic Problems Low self-esteem, social anxiety
Chewing and Bite Problems Digestive issues, difficulty in eating
Breathing Problems Sleep apnea, breathing difficulties
Speech Impediments Communication difficulties

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is narrow upper jaw?

    • Narrow upper jaw is a condition where the upper jaw is too narrow, preventing the teeth from aligning properly.
  2. How is narrow upper jaw treated?

    • Treatment for narrow upper jaw varies depending on the patient's age and severity. In children, slow expansion or RME is used; in adolescents, RME or MARPE is used; and in adults, MARPE or SARME is applied.
  3. Does narrow upper jaw treatment hurt?

    • Orthodontic appliances and braces usually cause mild discomfort, while surgical interventions may result in short-term pain.
  4. How long does narrow upper jaw treatment take?

    • Treatment duration varies depending on the patient's age, the severity of the problem, and the treatment method used.
  5. Is narrow upper jaw treatment expensive?

    • Treatment cost varies based on the methods used and the duration of the treatment.

Why Choose DentMax Dental Clinic?

DentMax Dental Clinic is established by academically qualified expert dentists and offers ethical, modern, and healthy aesthetic dental treatments. Our treatment processes avoid unnecessary interventions, aiming to provide the best service to our patients. We offer high-quality services at our branches in Istanbul and Balıkesir, prioritizing patient satisfaction.

We are ISO 9001 and 10002 certified, ensuring our quality and customer satisfaction standards are internationally recognized. We are also a Ministry of Health-approved clinic, adding an extra layer of trust and reliability to our services.

Contact us for information and appointments: 0212 570 0033. At DentMax Dental Clinic, we are here for your dental health.


Dentmax Treatment Price List

Çocuk Diş Tedavileri Fiyatları




Flor uygulaması (çürük önleyici yüzey koruması, cila dahil) (çift çene)

1.140 - 1.850 TL

Flor uygulaması (çürük önleyici yüzey koruması, cila dahil) (çift çene)

1.140 - 1.850 TL

Süt dişi çekim (dijital anestezi ile)

1.215 - 2.100 TL

Fissür örtücü (çürüğe yatkın yerlerin kapatılması) (tek diş)

1.210 - 1.600 TL


Bakırköy / İstanbul 0 2125700033
09:00-19:30 Monday-Saturday

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